A dear colleague mentioned that the Norwegian word for trust (TILLIT) is the best palindrome, as it gives best results when it goes both ways. (A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as madam or racecar. – Wikipedia) When super-boxer Grethe hits me in the stomatch, a certain degree of trust is involved. At least when I´m standing with my hands behind my head. It may look like the ultimate laziness, but it´s actually hard training. And it´s…
Tag: 2Train
Have I no shame?
In The Assassin movie (with Bridget Fonda), one of my favorite scenes is one where she says: “I don´t get embarrassed”. (As in EVER!). Oh dear, how many times have I wanted to be like her. I practice and I practise. “I don´t get embarrassed” I say casually, when I feel the tightening of a knot in my stomach. “I don´t get embarrassed!” Despite all the practice, it was way out of my comfort zone to step on to the “Body Composition Analyzer” in order to let boxing trainer /…